Friday, September 17, 2010

Finding my "groove"

This night began just like any other date night in New York...with Food:-)  My brother once told me, when I was in high school, that most people got out to do something and MAYBE they'll get a bite to eat, however, my best friend and I would go out to eat and MAYBE do something.  I see absolutely NOTHING wrong with the latter.  Anywho, I will admit that the best part of this particular date night was NOT the food, in fact it was my absolutely favorite place to go to in NY...Groove!! in the West Village.  If you know anything about me, you either know about Groove, or I've taken you there.

I started out craving pizza this night.  But, a particular style of pizza, there are so many kinds to choose from.  For some reason I wanted California Pizza Kitchen.  Whenever I end up going to a chain restaurant, it makes me a bit nostalgic for home, such a suburban thing:-)  I went and had a nice booth to myself where I could sit and people watch as well.  Here's the thing about going to a restaurant like this (sitting down at a table or booth rather than a bar); if you do choose to read a book, magazine, etc., then this is the PERFECT kind of set-up.  You are in your own world, you don't have to be social, no one is going to strike up a conversation with you.  Maybe the waiter/waitress, but that'll take 2 minutes tops.  So this kind of place is a great place to go by yourself if you're looking not to be social.  But, of course, this is me, Megan-Brette...I enjoy my solitude, but I also like talking to perfect strangers.

After CPK I ventured out and was now craving a more social setting with a fine glass of wine.  I literally walked about a 1/2 block and found Wine 30 (30th and Park Ave South - I believe).  I walked in and immediately liked the atmosphere.  It is small and cozy, but very trendy.  I sat at the end of the bar and ordered a nice glass of Malbec.  There were pretty many couples there (not just dating, but friends as well), so I found my conversation with the bartender.  I stayed about an hour, we spoke about how he really WASN'T a bartender, just filling in for a friend.  I thanked him for being "bartender like" and chatting it up with me:-)  Then I left, but I soooo was not ready to go home.

So I decided to make myself ultra-happy and take myself to my favorite place ever!!!! I "found" Groove when I first moved to NY 8 years ago.  Just walking around, I heard music, the sign said, " Live soul, Jazz, Blues" ummm, what else do you need???  I knew this was going to be my favorite place when I went inside to listen to the live band and they went from playing "Piano Man" to Biggy's "Juicy"! I felt like the place actually "got me"! How'd they know I'd love both those songs and back to back even - it was like they played my ever-so-eclectic iPod for me on stage.  

Then one by one the collection of strangers occurred.  First, I met a young man at the bar.  He tried to hit on me with some corny lines.  After he realized I was a "cool, different, female" (his words not mine), he relaxed and just talked.  Then we met a lady who was celebrating her birthday by herself (not anymore:-).  We all toasted to her birth.  Then the first man left and I met another young man.  Later the 3 of us sat down with a young couple from California and there we were, 5 perfect strangers, listening to good music, talking, eating, and celebrating a birthday.  It really was quite perfect.

We didn't keep in touch.  No need.  The friendship was only supposed to be for the moment; and a wonderful moment it was.
They say people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime; we were all there for a reason, to celebrate her birthday. Yay!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Using Your Friends...

Well, because I DO live in NY, I have all of these friends who are into the arts as professions like, actors, and singers, and writers, and artists etc.  Therefore, there is usually someone performing, or reading, or exhibiting SOMETHING that I like to attend.  Now, I realize it is fun to go out with a friend or even your "girls" to these types of events.  But, I like to attend them by myself sometimes and...make it a date:-)

Most recently I attended my friend's singing party (He's actually my brother's good friend from elementary school - but I claim him as well).  He's a singer in NY and was performing at a famous restaurant in Midtown.  I was invited to come listen and support and of course I decided to use the opportunity as a date night.

So I got dressed up, pretty cute, not too fancy, and went to midtown to listen and support.  What I love about these nights is that they are cultural, always seem to have an interesting group of people there, and it's just a very easy way to socialize and network (if you so choose).  Oh yeah, and you get to see a friend you normally haven't seen in a while because they've been too busy working on their craft!! - I digress (what a surprise!).

I went and felt very inspired while I was there. He was/is amazing and the songs he sang made me want to come home and practice singing myself - in the shower of course - my voice is NOT angelic!  He and I were able to talk for a few minutes, which was fine, because it was HIS night.  His manager swept him from one important person to the next.  I was glad he saw me and that I was able to share a few moments.   To make the night even more pleasurable, I saw another friend there from elementary school.  I hadn't seen her since...5th grade?!!! It was good to catch up and talk about our lives, past and present.  So, I was able to do 3 of my favorite things; eat, have a glass of wine, and engage in a good conversation.

After I left the restaurant, I was on my way back to the train when a wine bar caught my attention; I think it was the fact that there was a "wine bar" in midtown on 8th ave btw 44th and 45th street - Lybane.  I went in and had the best of my 3 favorite things ALL over again.  I drank a glass of white, had an amazing Pita Pizza (for only $5) and a 3 hour conversation with the Albanian bartender.  During those 3 hours, I met quite a few interesting people, one of which was an Albanian professional dancer.
I got back on the train, happy, satisfied with another NY date night:-)
So when your friends are having a show or exhibit or viewing or whatever it may be, USE the event to make it a date night.