Friday, August 13, 2010

MB's "rules" to going out by yourself

This is pretty exciting for first blog.  I feel so "in" now:-)  Since this is my first blog I feel obligated to just give you a little background on why I decided to write this blog.  I've always been a pretty independent person.  I grew up being two extremes - I LOVED to play by myself, be it with my Barbies or with my pets, but I also enjoyed being around others, like my brothers and my friends.  But one thing I did understand was that I never minded when I WAS by myself.  This being said, I've always enjoyed going out by myself in my adulthood.  I could be going to see a movie, taking myself out to breakfast, or lunch, or dinner (I'm a bit of a foodie), or going to the park, seeing a concert, or - and here's the big one for some of you, going to a bar or club by myself.   I've actually met some very cool people when I'm out by myself. People (male and female) just feel more comfortable approaching someone who is alone - less intimidation and judgement from her/his crew.

Now, the real reason I started this blog...yes, I, Megan-Brette, recently went through an ugly "break-up" (can you call it a break-up if you weren't REALLY BF and GF?).  Usually, when I stop dating a guy it ends amicably; we realize we are spending less time together, less time communicating and I start spending more time dating NY.  Not this time.  It just wasn't nice.  So, I'm back to dating NY, not because I want to stop dating altogether (I AM 32 and the clock is a-tickin'), but because I just needed a break, some time, some space.

There are a few rules though that I have when I do go out on a date with NY:
1) Always look good - this way no one assumes as to WHY you actually are by yourself (and "good" here is subjective - I'm not saying you should do the whole make-up and fancy clothes, whatever makes you look confident, makes you look good).
2) Don't be stupid, always go somewhere you feel safe.
3) Let someone know where you are.  Sadly, I don't really follow this rule all too well.  I'm getting better at it, but sometimes I just go and no one knows where I've been until AFTER the fact.  Tsk, tsk, tsk Megan - I'll get better.
4) Be open to being social.  You are out by yourself, therefore more people will approach you, be open to this.  Shunning them away is just rude (unless they were rude first, then by all means - curse them out:-)  You really do end up meeting some pretty cool people in NY.

Hopefully, you'll read my blog and realize, OMG, it's really NOT hard to go out by yourself.  We'll see!

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree and condone dating yourself! I'm in relationship and have a young child and really miss being able to do whatever I want sometimes without having to consider someone else's likes/dislikes. Thirty-two is nothing and there is no clock! Things will happen when they happen and when they're supposed to, but you know that already!
